Siemens is breaking new ground in personnel development using cognitive assistance and employee feedback to transition 350,000 employees into a ‘Smart Community'.

CARL - your cognitive HR assistant
Solution Activation guided the process in explaining the new solution building a deployable 360° Content Kit to accompany the worldwide rollout while the cognitive chatbot CARL makes HR-related functions available on-demand for Siemens employees around the world. Its introduction helped generate enthusiasm around this company-wide transformation.
Team up with CARL for your HR stories
Whether printed brochures, posters, OoH, website, social media in connection with DOoH, Siemens intranet, app or events, the campaign developed together with business strategists, data & analytics, developers, UX, UI & motion designers in my role as Creative Director at IBM iX Studios in Berlin picks up the users on relevant touch points and guides them through their individual story.

Roberta can take many shapes dependent to the user's personality. A branding challenge!
An artificial intelligence called Roberta
Roberta as an artificial intelligence has a variety of functions all around the digital transformation. Its function is to be a companion not only for people at Siemens itself, also for deliverers and Siemens enthusiasts. It is an information visualizer, an explainer, a dialogue partner, a data collector, a self-thinking assistant, an individual AI and a partner in terms of the company's communication. Grown up at the Siemens Digital Factory it's a small child that is learning everyday to become a sovereign partner.