Reaching the target group individually with special formats for social media.

Explaining the risks of alcohol across all relevant channels
Health care and health maintenance are the main intentions of BZgA as the German Federal Center for Health Education. It makes a contribution through its measures and programs to reduce the incidence of new illnesses (primary prevention) and increase early detection of disease (secondary prevention) as well as health promotion in general to strengthen. At this point people's knowledge, attitudes and skills are strengthened to behave healthily, to recognize and avoid risks and thus for their own health and the health of others to take responsibility.
The aim is to achieve the greatest possible health benefit with the resources used
In order to achieve the aims mentioned above, continuous and long-term measures are required, which are based on scientific knowledge, combined with technical competence and can be planned and implemented in a target-oriented manner. With regard to effectiveness and efficiency, the areas of market observation, quality assurance and strategy development are of particular importance. In addition, clear priorities must be set and the target groups and subject areas must be precisely defined. This is especially true in connection with alcoholism. Besides print and TV campaigns, therefor two different information web platforms were created for this: for a young target group aged 14 to mid 20 and as a platform for adults.
To establish an innovative and informative storytelling on social media channels
At the content department of IBM iX in Berlin, the holistic support of all measures and channels was part of my daily routine. As Creative Director it was my job, together with strategists, community managers, social media experts, copywriters and designers, to look after the websites and blogs and to constantly optimize them on the one hand, but also to create content for social media channels such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat and Jodel. From canvas ads to insta stories, from reports such as 'Night Shift', unusual videos for special events such as the Soccer World Cup, or interviews with victims of alcohol consumption, GIFs, animations, info graphics, amusing surveys, facts and figures, photo stories, livestreams were part of this scope. The success, especially among the younger target group, spoke for itself.